
With an accumulation of 100 years of active operation, TCCCo.Ltd is undeniably the biggest player to the wealth of    coffee industry community in Tanzania throughout the history of its Existence.

company History

Established in 1920

Tanganyika Coffee Curing Company Limited is one the oldest and largest coffee curing Company in the country. It has an accumulation of 100 years’ experience in the coffee curing operations

The Tanganyika Coffee Curing Company Limited (TCCCo Ltd) is a company limited by shares registered under the Companies Ordinance (CAP 212). It is based in Moshi Municipality located at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. It was first established in 1920 by a German investor known by name Heins Bueb. By that time, it was a small milling plant, with a capacity to mill 500 tonnes of parchment coffee per year. At that time, only a few settler farmers grew coffee. After the Second World War, the plant was expropriated by the British colonial Government and placed under the custodian of enemy property.

Company Vision

The Vision of the Company is to become “A leading, active, efficient, and trusted coffee curing Company in the country”.

Company mission

Our Company Mission is “To provide quality coffee products and reliable services to coffee producers”.

company Core Values

Our Core Values that guiding the fulfillment  of  Vision and Mission are customer focus, integrity, accountability, innovativeness, reliability, quality, transparency, teamwork, and entrepreneurial culture.

Company Motto

The motto of the Company is “Kahawa Yetu Uchumi Wetu.